so when i was little i didnt watch much of cartoons, more of mr. dress up kind of show! .. my favorite shows were big comfy couch !!(HAHA!) .. sesame street, sharon louis and bram, Mr. Dress up .. aww i had the trunk that he had my grandpa made it for me :) .. hm
m. iwatched my little ponys, and rainbow bright to! :) .. wow the show that we watch when we are little are pretty funny.. and seeing it when you get older and find out thats what you watch it makes you laugh that that you were so interested in that at the time! i do remeber that i did not like barney for some reasoonn!!! .. and that i watched big comfy couch and liked it so much because i had a problem with
clownss after! uhh i did not like them!! haha But out of all those shows my all time favorites when i was littlee was Sesame streeet, i never missed a show .. and i had all the books, and my room was all sesamee street too! :) .. but that show was a goof how to watch
because you learned alot, it was very educational ! oh and i my little pony was the other favorite.. i had so many of those toy ponys oh wow! .. the good' ol days! :)