ive noticed alot lately that celebrity's have been charged for drinking and driving. Everyone makes it out to be such a big deal when people in our own community have done the exact thing and yet havnt got that much attention for it. I understand that people like to hear when the big and famous do somthing wrong, but is it nessecary to write aticle apon article about all of the differnt ones drinking and driving. I think when it comes to being charges, and legal situations , it should be displayed as much or open and easy toget the information.When a regular person get a DUI charge, they pay big, but what do celebritys pay do you think ? not
that it makes i dent in their wallets or anything, but i dont think its fair that they get away with so little when it comes to time. Like when they go to prison, they dont do as much time as a normal person would, fair ? i dont think so! like they are people, as are we and i think that it should be an equal amount of punishment there instead of them just paying people money for them to be free!

1 comment:
I so agree with you. More celebs are probably doing it because they realize they can get away with it. I think the charges for drinking and driving should be more severe in the first place since they are putting so many lives in danger.
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