i went and to the Drive in last weekend and we went and saw Shrek 3 and Surfs up! and i couldnt belive what i saw!.. i was so disapointed in those two movies!! expecially shrek! i love shrek and it wasntt as funny, and it just wasnt goo0od overal! The drufs up movie i knew was going to be bad because all of the new animated movies are exactly the same! .. its all made by the same people and all the characters loook alike! kids might like it, but
afterwhile do you not think maybe they want to see a differnt movie ? .. but in surfs up i did like when the little penquin dude was talking to his parent and his parents said "you wernt even born yet!" and the little penguin dude said" i wasnt even born yet: " haha it was cute! but that was only one of the very few funny parts!!

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