The Usual Suspect is about five criminals (Gabriel Byrne- Dean Keaton, Kevin Spacey- Roger 'verbal' Kint, Benicio Del Toro- Fred Fenster, Kevin Polak- Todd Hockney, and Stephen Baldwin- Michael McManus) who meet up to to a job. After that they all get together and do this highly dangerous job for Kaijsa Sojia. which is this very dangerous man that has never been seen and is thought to be a myth. All five men set out to do this job and only one remains alive, Verbal the crippled. The police then question him about the bombed ship that they had done.
Verbal then leaves and the cop realizes that Verbal was accaually "kaijsa Sojia" and not so innocent as he said. As the end came i tottally knew it was Verbal, it was kind of predictable.. if you followed it right, but it also made it look like it was a couple people. It was a pretty good movie overall, but you have to watch it closelyy. !

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